Hard Drive Data Recovery Prices

Looking for the right hard drive data recovery lab? We make data recovery affordable! Flat rates, no open-end pricing like the other guys. An honest no data, no charge policy, and we don’t charge for parts. Free return media & shipping too.Hard Drive Head Swap

The listed prices are for USB, SATA, and PATA/IDE disk drives (desktop, laptop, internal, backup, portable)

Prices are based on the full capacity of the hard drive, not the file size or count.

Prices include clean room data recovery if required.

Up to 250GB Hard Drive: $395
300GB – 1TB Hard Drive: $495
1.5TB – 2TB Hard Drive: $595
3TB Hard Drive: $650
4TB Hard Drive: $695
5TB Hard Drive: $775
6TB Hard Drive: $850
8TB Hard Drive: $995
10TB Hard Drive: $1075
12TB Hard Drive: $1125
14TB Hard Drive: $1200
16TB Hard Drive: $1400
18TB Hard Drive: $1600

Parts are already included in our prices (PCB, donor heads). Free return media is included, but the size and type is our choice. Free return shipping via USPS is included with every paid recovery (Continental US only). You can request and pay for alternate shipping methods. We do not offer international shipping. You must provide an address in the USA.

A $35 discount has already been applied to our prices so we can keep your device for parts. After 30 days, any device still in our possession is considered abandoned and may be used for parts or recycled. We do not offer refunds after a recovery has been delivered. We have a “no data, no charge” policy, but declined recoveries are charged $75 per device for return shipping and handling. Our recovery rates are for targeting your personal files and does not include program and system files or settings. For Apple users with photo libraries, we may only provide masters & originals, not derivatives or system data. If you need a cloned drive, there is an additional charge. Our website reflects our current hard disk drive recovery service prices and supersedes any printed or saved media.

At Blizzard Data Recovery, we use professional tools to recover the data from your failed hard drive. All work, including clean room data recovery, is done in our lab. We do not outsource data recovery cases. We accept all 2.5″ and 3.5″ disk drives with SATA, EIDE, or USB connections, including G-Technology (G-Tech, G-Drive), HGST, Hitachi, IBM, Quantum, LaCie, Maxtor, Samsung, Seagate, Toshiba, and Western Digital.